Yes, I had her all fixed up but I personally broke down. I injured my left leg in March and once I saw the doctor about it, I ended up in the hospital. Three surgeries later, I'm limping around with a muscle flap and skin graft over my left shin. I'm getting better everyday.
This week the Admiral and I were planning to come down to the boat and check her condition but then the marina called for an evacuation due to tropical force winds being expected at our marina. So we get to the marina and I get on the boat. Connie opens the seacock and I start the engine and NO WATER again. Sheesh. Well, the lift is not far away and we can motor that far so we're ready. Then the marina cancels the evacuation.
So what I think happened is the impeller was an older impeller and it broke down when we started the engine this time. On my W50, the best position to work on the raw water pump and be able to see using my bifocals is to kneel on the NAV seat and lean over. But that puts my left shin on the edge of the NAV seat and the shin surgery site is not completely healed. So I didn't fix it or even look at it. Yeah, there are some local guys who can work on it but we'll be back in a month and I like making sure things are done to my specs. And if I can't work on the raw water pump then, I'll call the repair guys. Because I gotta go sailing soon.