When we last left our intrepid captain, he was recovering from a surgery to his left shin. Just as he is healed enough to walk without crutches and actually turned them in to the local senior center (who loans them to people in need), I was involved in a three car collision on a two lane country road. The wife and I ended up T-boning a tree after hitting the car that started all of the action. Newer vehicles all around so everybody should have walked away from the accident.

EXCEPT that I broke my leg. Under the muscle flap and the not quite healed skin graft over the shin that was surgically weakened.
Orthopedic doctor doesn't want to mess with the flap and graft so I spend 4 months in casts. Fiberglass casts and fiberglass decks do not go together so not much time on the boat and definitely none away from the slip. Man, I miss sailing. Get out of the final cast and the doctor says that putting as much weight on it as I can stand will help the healing. Which is the part the wife heard. While getting out of the shower a week later, something "slipped" and it really started hurting again. I've got an appointment in two weeks so I figure I can tough it out til then. All the while, the wife is saying "put some weight on it so it will heal." Get in to see the doctor and yep, it's not healed and not joining together.
So Tuesday, April 18th, I am getting a rod in my left tibia to repair the damage done in the car wreck. Mentally, I am ready to be done with this. Financially, the at fault driver's insurance is covering the cost plus pain and suffering. Hoping to be healed enough to get together with a bunch of drunks who have a sailing problem the second week of June. And to fly down to Costa Rica at the end of June.
Having a good attitude is helpful I'm told. Well, I can still make the wife snicker by telling her I need to put some weight on it.

Anyway, the boat's ready to go. We found the main cause of water entry to be the dorades. Stopped that by painting the insides with white Flex-Seal. The stays are now bedded in butyl tape and they are dry. The heat exchanger has been cleaned with barnacle buster and the exhaust system in brand new. I have a few more items on the punch list but they are not critical until next spring so I can slowly upgrade them.
Season's open!!! Let's go sailing!!!!