Some photos from the trip offshore Gulf of Maine. Below freezing for the first 24+ hours. I got some good Cape Cod Canal photos and coming up through Newport at midnight with all the bridges lit up. Almost impossible to pick up which light is a can or nun and which light is on the bridge, land or whatever. The ipad with Navionics was a GREAT help. We had to go to Portsmouth and the fog fell on us just after we cleared the Jamestown Bridge. In the dark, in the fog.
I hadn't driven a boat since 2011. But in the 90's up in Maine we did everything with paper and a DR plot. It all came back quickly. Myself and the youngest son had a nice, albeit cold and fast trip to Rhode Island. About 40 hours except for a few hour nap at Smuttynose.
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File comment: Damn colder. Oct. 29.

Sunrise Oct 39.jpg [ 67.08 KB | Viewed 0 times ]
File comment: Damn cold.

Sunrise Oct 28.jpg [ 60.46 KB | Viewed 0 times ]
File comment: From out in the separation zones. The ships in the zone were huge. Very cautious.

Boston Ain't that big.jpg [ 46.84 KB | Viewed 0 times ]
File comment: He went to stbd, we gunned it. I heard him leaving the dock on Isleboro. First view we had was his bow coming out of the fog. This was before I figured out the AIS. Helm unit wasn't displaying.

Fun in the Fog.jpg [ 46.93 KB | Viewed 0 times ]
File comment: Ya. How many feet is that vis? I should have left the radar on the backstay. Thankful once I figured out AIS receiver.

More fog.jpg [ 48.37 KB | Viewed 0 times ]
File comment: Just . . . the damn fog getting ready to swallow us.

The fog.jpg [ 63.91 KB | Viewed 0 times ]
File comment: You don't mess with the Penobscot River current on these docks.

Prepped to Depart.jpg [ 88.23 KB | Viewed 0 times ]